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Our Impact

Our Impact

We were founded in June of 2022  to fix the disconnect between food waste, hunger and sustaining the environment. As per ReFED, about 40% of the food produced today is wasted, while 1 in 7 go hungry everyday. ReFED estimates that reducing food waste by just 20% nationally will help recover 1.8 billion meals every year. We want to be part of this solution. 
We believe every human has a right to access healthy food and is not a privilege.  We are passionate about saving the environment by preventing perfectly healthy food from going to Landfill.

Our Goals

Our goal is to align with Washington State’s goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030. Currently WA has more than 1M tons of food wasted annually. 

In alignment of this goal Eat Happy Now goals are as below

  • Rescue 400,000 meals or 500,000 Lbs of food by the end of 2024
  • Serve over 35,000 food insecure individuals every week.
  • Reach 5% of the WA food insecure population by 2024.

Our secondary goal is to make a community impact, by not only preventing food going to landfill, but also by engaging the community volunteers as drivers to deliver the food. The goal is to have 1000 volunteers by 2024.


Our Strategies

The 3 strategies as per the Use Food Well Washington Goals, to achieve its goal of reducing 50% of food waste by 2030 are:

1. Prevention: Prevent and reduce the amount of food that's wasted

2. Rescue: Rescue edible food that would otherwise be wasted and ensure the food reaches those who need it

3. Recovery: Support productive uses of inedible food materials, including using it for animal feed, energy production through anaerobic digestion, and for off-site or on-site management systems including composting, vermicomposting, or other biological systems


At Eat Happy Now we are aiming to help with Food Rescue strategy and are exploring productive use of inedible food materials to align with Use Food Well Washington Goal.